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上市日期: 2013-12-11

 Fujitech Band Sawing Machine Makes a Wonderful Appearance at the 2013 CIIF

Shanghai Angzi Machinery  Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in large-scale participation in the 15th China International Industry Fair. The company brought the new products such as FS4230GNC automatic CNC series band sawing machine and FS4240 double-column semi-automatic band sawing machine of Foxconn brand to the exhibition. Shanghai Angzi Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. is a mechanical equipment company integrating production and sales. Its main products are Japan Fujitech boutique band sawing machine, various imported band saw blades and German Arntz precision machine tools series.



At the exhibition site, the reporter interviewed the company's manager Xie Jinshang and asked him to introduce the participation. He said that the advantages of the two products brought in this trade fair are different. The FS4230GNC automatic CNC band sawing machine has been widely welcomed by customers since its introduction. General Xie said that the fully automatic CNC horizontal band sawing machine realizes automatic operation through program design, saving labor. A common sawing machine often requires one person to take care of. After the realization of intelligence, one worker can open several machine tools. The processing efficiency is also greatly improved. It can cut multiple metal strips at the same time and can cut up to 400 small sticks.  


During the exhibition, manufacturers from all over the country, such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Shandong, etc., gave a high evaluation of the sawing products of Fujitsu Exhibition. Among them, there were more automatic CNC sawing machines from the participants of Japan, the United States and Germany. Showing great interest. Xie also revealed that the Shanghai Machine Tool Plant and Shanghai Electric Group have purchased and used the product.



Another product, the FS4240 double-column semi-automatic band sawing machine, is also quite satisfactory in terms of market applications. “In particular, many mold companies in Kunshan and Fujitech have purchased our products.” Xie Zong said, “The operation is convenient, the hydraulic oil tank is completely enclosed and designed to be environmentally friendly. It can be replaced without oil for 5 years. It is regulated by the cooling system. In the summer, the fuel tank will not heat up, and the winter will not freeze. The sawing machine is equipped with the sawing belt of Arntz, Germany, and the consumables are relatively economical.'

The opening up of foreign markets is also quite satisfactory. It is reported that Shanghai Angzi machinery sawing products are exported to Brazil, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany, Russia and other countries.


At present, Fujitech boutique sawing products are horizontal semi-automatic series, double-column semi-automatic series, double-column angle semi-automatic series, automatic CNC series, double-column (double cylinder) gantry semi-automatic series, high-performance super wide series, saw frame Mobile medium and large vertical series.

From the development, design, manufacture and after-sales service of the products, we have introduced the advanced concepts of Japan, adhering to the corporate philosophy of “manufacturing quality products” and building a market with international standards with the goal of “creating higher commercial value for customers”. The marketing service platform provides customers with one-stop service from pre-sale, sale and after-sale, such as selection, trial processing, training, installation and commissioning, maintenance and repair.

Keep improving, Xie Zong said, how to reduce the loss of saw band, how to improve the sawing speed, how to create greater benefits for customers is a difficult problem that the company's products should continue to improve in the future.

At the same time, Shanghai Angz Machinery also sells the German Angz metal machine series and metal band saw blades.


The representative of Shanghai Angz Machinery, the representative of the German Arntz Industry, also attended the site of the Industry Fair. Peter Boucke, its marketing director, introduced the development history and product advantages of Angzi through interviews. After several hundred years of development, the Angzi saw industry in Germany has made great progress in terms of quality stability and reached a high level of modern craftsmanship. 'Combining Germany's advanced technology with China's resource advantages, providing users with the best quality assurance at reasonable prices, creating benefits for users, and gradually expanding their influence in the Chinese market.' Mr. Peter said the company's development plan .

(This article is provided by China Machine Tool Business Network original, please indicate the source link.)

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